Oct 8, 2011

Dreamscaping: Part Two

                Xander stared at himself in the bathroom mirror in a combination of amazement and horror.  He had seen his reflection before, but never with this type of clarity.  He wasn’t sure he approved of this new visage.  The face was the same, for the most part, this one seemed to be missing the scars and weathering brought from years of battle.  The hair was short, well kept, and clean.  Xander spent the better part of a quarter hour simply marveling at this hair.  It appeared to be the same basic color, but was soft, and bright, so maiden-like.  He did not approve of the rest of his body, either.  It appeared to be weak and undisciplined.   However, as there was no other option available, Xander accepted this body for the time being, and turned his attention to the problem of dressing.   The clothing he found himself confronted with were strange and impractical.  They were, like his new body, soft and weak.  After testing and tearing a few sorted articles of clothing, he settled on an uncomplicated t-shirt and jeans.  The zipper on the jeans presented a substantial challenge, and one that nearly ended with a catastrophic injury, but a challenge that was soon overcome.  Now dressed Xander exited the bedroom and found himself confronted with unruly and very unkempt looking dwarves.  These dwarves were staring at him expectantly, and with apparent frustration.
                “You took for-ever!” the larger dwarf barked at Xander.  “We’re hungry!”
                “I beg pardon, young dwarf,” Xander protested.  “But if you are hungry, why then have you not found yourself some food with which you can break your fast?”
                “What?” The larger dwarf questioned, appearing to not understand his meaning or his words.
                “My apologies, did you not understand?  I simply wondered why you would inform me of your hunger, rather than looking for a way to resolve the problem yourselves.”   Xander said, believing himself to be very reasonable when faced with two very rude dwarves so early in the day. 
                “Dad!” shouted the smallest dwarf, as he began to sob.
Xander was stuck dumb at this.  Had this dwarf called him dad?  He reached down a lifted the young boy and held him at arm’s length, looking at him with a new thought creeping into his mind.  He knew this child, and it was no dwarf.  This was his son, and the larger dwarf was his daughter.   Xander knew this dream, he had been here many nights before, but this was not a dream. 
                “I am truly sorry, my children!” Xander plead, “Please, forgive me; I was caught in a dream.  Come we shall breakfast together.  Lead me to the kitchens.”
                “There is only one kitchen dad, it’s down stairs.  Are you being silly again?”  His daughter asked him, sounding concerned.  
                “Nay, daughter, I simply forgot.” Xander countered.  “You may find I have momentarily forgotten many things this day.” 
Both children laughed, and climbed up Xander’s legs to cling to his neck. 
                “You sound like Thor daddy.”  His daughter giggled. 
It was about this time when Xander realized he had forgotten, or had never known, the names of the children now calling him father.  At this point Xander realized that this was going to be a very long day…

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